We are pleased to announce that Texas Instruments is joining KernelCI as a Premier member. Texas Instruments(TI) is a lead semiconductor company and a long time contributor to the upstream Linux kernel. To better serve its customers, TI has embraced Open Source, thriving to offer upstream support for the chips they produce.

TI is pushing the boundaries of upstream SoC support and advocating for an industry-wide Upstream-First approach. For the past several years, TI has invested in its testing infrastructure and technologies and applied those improvements to TI’s upstream testing. Now, TI is proud to join KernelCI to bring that knowledge, experience, and capability to the larger community, including other semiconductor companies, in order to collaborate openly and improve upstream SoC quality and support.
As Nishanth Menon, a principal open-source technologist at Texas Instruments, says: “KernelCI is crucial for ensuring the longevity of the Linux ecosystem and vital for providing high-quality software in the upstream Linux community, fostering the confidence required for products to be agnostic of vendor software ecosystems.”
The KernelCI board is glad to have TI joining forces to make the new KernelCI testing capabilities stronger. “We are excited to welcome Texas Instruments to the board and looking forward to leveraging their testing capabilities and expertise around SoCs to contribute to our common goal of ensuring the quality, stability and long-term maintenance of the Linux kernel.” said Don Zickus, Chair of the KernelCI Board.
TI is leading the way in creating an open and upstream embedded testing standard for the Linux kernel. All embedded SoC and product vendors incur significant costs to reinvent and maintain the test ecosystem for standard peripherals. KernelCI provides the groundwork to establish a vendor-agnostic testing framework for user experiences at the product level. With this goal in mind, KernelCI is also the perfect umbrella to align the industry and create a better solution by standardizing the test framework, terminology, interfaces, methodology, tools, and reporting.
There couldn’t be a better time for TI to join KernelCI. The project is going through a major overhaul with our new CI architecture coming into place. It replaces our limited legacy system with a quite capable architecture that can leverage different CI systems, hardware and cloud labs, to funnel all the test data to a common place. So, we can analyze, automatic triage and support the regression reporting process together with the Linux kernel community. Our top priority is to serve kernel maintainers and developers to ensure the long-term stability of the Linux kernel.